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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Brunswick, Nova scotia Residents

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Anyone on here from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia affected by the ensuing teachers strike. My school here from Natick, Mass. is suposed to go up there for a 30 year tradition, but we might not be able to go this year because of the strike. We basically got to eachothers towns( my school and theirs) and a player from each team live with eachother in one of their houses. Its the Barnhill school in St. John that we do this with.

Anyway, Anyone up there affected by this strike. It kinda just ruined my next month, even tho i live in the states.

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i live in saint john and theres been alot of speculation of a strike. i dont think there will be cause last time there was strike was like 10 years ago and it only lasted 24hours.

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Ya thats what ive been hearing. But our principal and coaches have already said the situation isnt getting better. So for now they postponed our trip, which im not happy about.

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The biggest babies are in Quebec, the university students have been on strike for 5 weeks because they think their tuition fees are too high and the governement doesn't give them enought money. I have a debt of over 30 000$ right now and I've been studying for 4 years, in the end I will probably owe like 50 000$ and I go to a regular university. My cousin is going at McGill University and he pays like 4 times less then me.

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I live in a town 0f 8000 people and a while back someone decided to have the french and english go to separate schools. Evidently I go to the english school, where each teacher has 1 free period a day and includes supervision. However the other school which has a different system, the teachers have no free periods however they have no suprevision. The 2 hour lunch break, is so that one teacher supervises for 0-60 min and than gets an hour off. Well since the french school has no supervision, they still have an hour for lunch while I'm out for lunch from 1130-130! I hope the strike doesn't go to much further than this, as I don't want to lose my school sports, and if the teachers decide to stop going to school, unlike many students I won't be for it, as the teacher's don't get payed, and let behold my mom's a teacher.

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