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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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does the bauer vapor VII, bauer vapor V and the ccm V100 heads/blades wear down like the ccm V60 does? or do they just crack?

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Well I would aviod using any kind of Composite blade if you are playing on concrete. ABS blades seem to be the best way to go for Concrete. Composite blades will work much better for the sport-court surface. As to how it will wear down, nobody can really tell you. Blades wear different for everybody, it all depends on how you play. Factors such as, if you take alot of shots, if you are a stick slammer, stick lie, ect. will all determine the wear of your blade.

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I have used the V60 and V20 with much success on smooth concrete. My composite blade actually made it for 60 days however its not cost effective to use outdoors

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what i mean is... will the vapor V, vapor VII and Vector 100 have the same effect that a v60 has .. ie - v60 heads will wear down untill ther is close to nothing left on the blade just like the jofa 8044 but say you have an easton focus flex the underneath of it cracks up after a couple weeks... i would say im a bit of a shooter but id say its my slap shot that would do the most damage to my blades as i hit the ground a tad too early.

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tape the composite blade regularly and it won't be a problem. I have a Vapor VI and tape the blade regularly (I retape it when I see some blade exposed). I've using this stick for since late December and it still isn't cracked or weared.

EDIT: I play on sportcourt, and using a composite blade on concrete is suicide.

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