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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What should I do?

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Well unless you have mini-bearings you have to get some to use the RR Blue Flame, as they have mini hub's. The Hornets are GREAT wheels, and just getting new bearning with those would be cheaper too. Cant go wrong either way though, but Id take the Hornet/new bearing combo. By the way what kind of bearings are you using now? Is there anything wrong with them?

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I do have mini bearings but wear can i get the hornets and bearings that will be cheaper than the Blue Flames, the hornets are 8$ and the Blue Flames are 10$.

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because of cash, i always try to squeek as much life as i can out of wheels and bearings. from a lot of experience i think that switching bearings does more than changing wheels as far as an immediate difference. of course, your old ones have to be giving out for this to be true. i would think that as old as yours are, its probably time for new ones - but as the above poster said if they still work good there is no time limit on bearings. new good wheels are new good wheels, theyre going to work for you - i would go with the bearings and cheaper wheels. of course - its all pp.

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I was just looking at Micro Hubbed wheels and noticed the Hyper Trinitys are 8$, which will save be about 20$. Should i go with these or the RR's?

The RR wheels are just all around better then the Hypers. Even though it will come down to being your decision, I think you'd get better performance out of the RR's, especially if you were talking about the Blue Flames against the Hypers.

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