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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rules Question

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Ok im not to sure about this one and it seems like a dumb question but im really curious.... I was wondering if when you catch the puck (in your defensive zone) if you are able to THROW the puck. I have done it once or twice in High School league and my partner has done it a couple of times also. It seems as if there would be somthing against it but i wasnt sure

Thanks in advance

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Delay of game. You can bat it forward, with only risking a hand pass, you can close your hand quickly while moving for a stoppage in play, but closing your hand on it and throwing will either warrant a delay of game or unsportsmanlike.

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If you bat it into the neutral zone and a teammate touches it, you'll be called for hand pass. If it stays in the Defensive end, I think you'll free from hand pass.

It's also going to depnd on the ref. I've seen guys catch the puck and as they are in stride, drop it to their stick or move it forward and be called for delay/closing the hand.

I've always thought if it was one motion...catch and quickly drop you're okay.

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Like Eazy said, "throwing" implies that you closed your hand on the puck, that's a minor penalty. Batting it or smacking at the puck is fine.

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Make sure its not a high stick when you bat it out in mid air. Hand passes are legal in your defensive zone, but not from defensive to neutral.

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Generally if you catch the puck and close your hand on it it should be called a penalty...however those who make a habit of it, usually shake their hand like the puck is caught in the glove to indicate they are trying to get it to release..all the while skating with it to drop it in a safer area..... :D

PS..this is not a recommendation..just an observation, and is more credible in roller hockey with the puck because the little slide knobs on the puck can catch in the glove seams....it's less believable with an ice puck..

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In a tournament this year we were down 1-0, goalie pulled, with about 5 seconds to go. A shot got deflected and their guy caught it and hucked it all the way down the ice. No whistle, only thing I heard was the buzzer. I was on the bench and almost jumped over to beat the kid down (they eliminated us), but my coach grabbed me before i could get over. It was almost as pissed as i've ever been in hockey, partly because we had so many players ejected that we were down to 7 skaters and I had just come off a 12 minute shift and almost puked. Man, still angry about that.

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