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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DeI 18


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Just wondering if any shopowners have ordered and recieved these sticks yet. If so, what are your opinions on the sticks? I was looking at the website and liked what little I could see, but they don't have any shops near me.

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I've had them for a couple of months now. The juniors have sold very well and only one has been returned under warranty. That kid has broken 6 sticks in the last 4 months, take that for what it's worth. I have a couple of the sr high end sticks in the Fischer curve still sitting on the floor.

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Chadd, do you have the Sniper sticks? How do they compare to sticks like the Stealth, Vapor XXX, True One, etc.?

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Chadd, do you have the Sniper sticks? How do they compare to sticks like the Stealth, Vapor XXX, True One, etc.?

That's the 385g model? I was told they will not ship until june-july. I was looking forward to trying one but they cut the Modano curve on that stick. I don't like the Sakic or Fischer.

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Yeah, it is. I e-mailed the guys at Powertek but didn't get much info. They told me the price range for the sticks, but that's it.

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