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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tps response wood

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i was wondering if any one knew where to get one,im looking for one in a nash curve......if the store has a website add it

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R2 Wood blades?

I think cyclone Taylors had them up on their website.

No, theres a response ABS blade atleast there is in the catalogue.

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I recall seeing a couple of wood sticks painted up like a response a while ago. I don't remember if they were promotional or what the deal was.

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I recall seeing a couple of wood sticks painted up like a response a while ago. I don't remember if they were promotional or what the deal was.

were those the ones on ebay that had autographs on them?

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I recall seeing a couple of wood sticks painted up like a response a while ago. I don't remember if they were promotional or what the deal was.

were those the ones on ebay that had autographs on them?

I believe some of them were on ebay.

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they do make a response wood but the only place that had them was hockeygiant and the blades are abs, i dont want abs though

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some pro nhlers use wood sticks painted like responses. i dont know why, maybe just promotional reasons ?

yes, al MacInnis used to use a wood stick that was painted with synergy decals, and he cut the real ones down to his kids size at let them use 'em

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some pro nhlers use wood sticks painted like responses. i dont know why, maybe just promotional reasons ?

yes, al MacInnis used to use a wood stick that was painted with synergy decals, and he cut the real ones down to his kids size at let them use 'em

A synergy decal on a sher-wood wood stick?

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well, naslund uses a wood stick painted like an apollo, so i guess it isn't too uncommon.

i think the hockeyshop has r2 tapered wood blades, but in store only. so that probably doesn't help.

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