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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Human Zamboni

LHS in Portland, Oregon?

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Anyone know of a good hockey shop in Portland, Oregon that has a good selection of skates? As I have whined about on here before, I don't have a LHS in my area that has any selection of skates at all and recently returned two different sizes of Mission skates that did not fit. I am traveling to Portland this weekend and hopefully will find a some skates.

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Basicly there is somekinda shop (not all of them are great) at every rink in the area. Valley Ice Arena (Beaverton, OR) has a play it again sports shop which isn't anything to write home about. Sherwood Ice Arena (Sherwood, OR) is has NorthWest Skate Authority and they are probably the best place to go for jerseys, although they still have a lot of gear from 1997. And Mt.View Ice Arena (Vancouver, WA) has TNG Sports, and we are probably the best equipped store of all three places.

So to answer your question, there actually aren't any stores in Portland.

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I didn't even think about PIAS. Last time I was in there they had maybe four or five senior sticks, a few used jerseys, and a few pairs of used skates.

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Yea I've always found it better to go there in the summer in hopes that some kid done with minor hockey with rich parents might sell his gear for gas money. Not a great place but good once in a blue moon.

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