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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Huge sale at EPuck - TPS Rubber shafts only $39!

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Anyone have any new opinions from the people who bought from Epuck?

I am still considering buying this shaft. Maybe tape it up so my gloves won't get stained.

It's either going to be the yellow radius one or a Bauer V shaft.

Anyone try out a Bauer V shaft? Opinions welcomed.

I am 190lbs using an extra stiff Bauer 3 Vapor. I find the Bauer 3 is good for slappers but must use all my strength and not good in a game. Nice for stick handling but the slappers could be faster(whippier) and my wristers and backhand lack velocity and range.

Bauer V is an 87 flex and the Rubber is about a 75 flex.


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Well, i've used the stick for about 7 hours total now and my TPS HGT gloves with white nash palms don't show even the slightest hint of turning black, and if they eventually do, who cares...

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