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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I play competitive ice hockey, but I recently ordered the PF2 Vector roller hockey skates for screwing around and playing street hockey. I got them at a sweet price and they are currently being shipped to me. My question is, are they any good? The chassis and wheels they give you look almost too good for a $100 roller hockey skate! I would like to know what the boot is like though? stiff or not.

Has anyone else bought these skates yet or has anyone skated in them? What do you think of them?

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i don't see anything special about it.. the wheels say rink rats but they are not very good and the classic is standard for a sub 100 skate. but heck that'll do just about everything you need for outdoor play

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The pf2's aren't bad, but they aren't anything special. You are getting what you pay for in a 100.00 skate, decent quality, little stiffness compared to the rest of the line and mediocre wheels and bearings. If you're using them to pound the asphalt, then you've probably gotten all you need. If you're looking to use them on a smooth concrete surface, or anything indoor and are used to higher end skates, they may not feel very supportive

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Yeah I got the skates yesterday and I was actually kind of impressed. They were much lighter than I thought they would be and they were decent to skate in. They werent too supportive in comparison the the Vapor XXs I am used to on the ice but they serve their purpose perfectly for outdoor play.

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