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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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standard vs. tapered shaft/OPS

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O.K., here is my situation: I've used standard shafts for a few years. Most recently I was using an 85 flex Z-bubble with a z-carbon (both regular and sicore) Sakic blade. I liked that combo a lot and found it easy to place my shots where I wanted them. However, like many other members of this board, I'm a hockey equipment junkie and I'm always looking for something better. Reading everyone's rave reviews of tapered shafts and OPS, I decided to try one last year. Since I didn't want to change anything else, I decided to get an 85 flex Synthesis with a Sakic Synthesis blade. I absolutley hated it. My shots either skidded along the floor/ice or hit the roof. So after trying it for about a month with no improvement I went back to my Z-Bubble. But I wasn't ready to give up on the tapered concept yet and recently got myself an 87 flex Vapor XX. The blade is a P106 and although that's a bit different than the Sakic, used to have a P106 woody and liked the blade a lot. So I don't think the switch in blade patterns is giving me any troubles. But my experience with the Vapor so far is similar to what I had with the Synthesis. My slappers and snappers are great (hard and accurate), but my wristers suck. When I pulled the Z-Bubble out again for a pick-up game, my wristers were back to normal.

Now I know what many of you are thinking: If you like your Z-bubble, stick with it. I agree, but I'm wondering whether it's the different flex characteristics of a regular shaft compared to a tapered/OPS that's giving me troubles. The Synthesis and Vapor definatley felt flexier than my Z-Bubble even though they all have the same flex rating. Do the tapered shafts feel flexier because they flex closer to the blade? Would switching from an 85 flex standard shaft to 100 flex tapered shaft maybe be a more natural transition for me?

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I find that the tapered shafts feel ever so slightly flexier on wristers because they load and release a little faster. Since you aren't going for the faster load and release on slappers, you don't notice the difference as much.

All that said, major differences like you describe are in your head. You expect to have problems with your shot, so you do. A slight difference in flex should not cause drastic differences in shot properties.

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Hey Chadd, I noticed my blade seems to open up when I shoot with a long hosel tapered blade, I was just wondering if this happens with a short hosel blade, or maybe its just my shooting mechanics. I have a t-flex with a long hosel blade right now

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Hey Chadd, I noticed my blade seems to open up when I shoot with a long hosel tapered blade, I was just wondering if this happens with a short hosel blade, or maybe its just my shooting mechanics. I have a t-flex with a long hosel blade right now

I don't recall having that problem with the t-flex myself, though I've had it with a lot of other sticks. Standard Innos killed me with torque problems. It may just not be able to handle the torque anymore if it's been used a lot.

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taper only helps with snap and wrist shots and not good with slapper rite?

Assuming you are using the correct flex stick for your shooting mechanics, yes.

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