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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats evryone trying out for next year?

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tricky where u hoping to play jrb ?

NORPAC. Trying out for the Fort-Vancouver Pioneers and maybe Pudget Sound or Tri-Cities. I'm doing it more for "try-outs" rather than "trying out for the team"... if that makes any sence.

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I'm off to Cornell next fall, so i'm going to look into playing club hockey. I don't really know how good the club team is, but it's a hockey-crazy school so i would assume that it's a damn good team. I probably won't make it, so i'll play intramurals and pick-up if i can find it.

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ya I think Ft. Van or Pudget Sound would be pretty hard to make they lot about 15 games combined

I'm more going out there to try and see if I could make it as a fourth line plug. Pios also lost 3-4 of their main guys to age and another 4 or so to various other reasons, not to mention guys moving on to Jr.A. They won't be the team that they were last year.

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I'm off to Cornell next fall, so i'm going to look into playing club hockey. I don't really know how good the club team is, but it's a hockey-crazy school so i would assume that it's a damn good team. I probably won't make it, so i'll play intramurals and pick-up if i can find it.

I wouldn't fret, cameltaur. I wanted to go there (got rejected) and spoke to some people about the club team. Basically, if you're at cornell and good at hockey, you're on the D-I team and were recruited. The club team is a lot more lax and as long as you've been playing high school or rep, you should be fine. I remember telling the guy that I was basically around low-level hs player level and he said that I'd be able to make it. He played on the team, so I'd trust his opinion.

Definitely try out and train hard over the summer, it's club, you're more than a shoe-in as long as you've got some talent and skill.

Also, congrats on getting into cornell, I'm guessing you broke 1500 on your SAT and had a crazy ass GPA.

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I'm off to Cornell next fall, so i'm going to look into playing club hockey. I don't really know how good the club team is, but it's a hockey-crazy school so i would assume that it's a damn good team. I probably won't make it, so i'll play intramurals and pick-up if i can find it.

My cousin went there a bunch of years ago and loved it. He played football while he was there though, not hockey.

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im tryin out for the green bay miget minor team AAa i think and im also tryin out for the madison capitals u 16 team. im not sure if ill make either but iplayed bantam AA this past season

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