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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ipod Screen

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There is a black dot on my ipod screen from pressure on it in my pocket I'm still

under the "one year" think but I never recieved a recepit beacuse I used Airmiles so I'm stumped <_<

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ive seen a few replacement screens on eBay for pretty cheap. maybe you can switch them or take it somewhere to get it fixed.

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ive seen a few replacement screens on eBay for pretty cheap. maybe you can switch them or take it somewhere to get it fixed.

I wouldn't risk it installing one yourself, but contact the warranty dept.

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^ they did that to me, even though it wasn't an impact warrenty. Luckily I tried talking to someone else at the apple store and they replaced my iPod.

By the way, the little chip where you plug in the USB/Firewire cable broke and came out was the problem(couldnt charge or put music on it)

Now i have a brand spankin new ipod.

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