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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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favorite movie

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jrwarrior u got a good taste in movies to add on I'd say any good mafia/mob movie(Scarface, all the Godfathers, Goodfellas,etc.), dumb and dumber, mighty ducks2, old school,big daddy off the top of my head

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Forrest Gump, Spiderman 2, Rocky I, and Undercover Brother.

Were you kidding about undercover brother?

A Fistfull of Dollars

For a Few Dollars More

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Godfather/Godfather II

Citizen Kane

I havn't really found a newer movie that I like a whole lot.

lol I was. Undercover was pretty random. Not as random as Napoleon Dynamite but I do admit Napoleon was funny. I thought Spiderman 2 was the best superhero movie I've seen. The first one and the X-Men movies don't really compare to Spiderman 2.

EDIT: Forgot to mention The Terminal. Anything starring Tom Hanks can be added to my list.

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