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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Sticks of Fury

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  1. Good Luck David in the draft and I hope the team you want drafts you. Also, if there are any Youtube videos of you please let us know.
  2. Is this a good deal? Buy one and get another 25% off. http://shop.nhl.com/product/index.jsp?prod...y_featitems_img
  3. Actually if you look in the clearance or weekly special section, the 952's are 100US dollars and the bauer XV are the same but in limited sizes.
  4. I am wearing 352's right now with the black prolite 3 holders. They fit awesome but a little heavy. I guess when you find a website like this, you feel like upgrading or when you see your friends wear new skates like the Bauer XXX or XX or XV. I went through the same phase of looking at new skates and looking at modsquad and such. Got my ebay favorites saved to the graf skates I like too. But ever since I heard about djinferno and another poster who bought from hockeygeeks about the bad quality of Graf skates, it has been a turn off for me. Now I am looking at the S400 or S500 from Mission. I haven't tried them on yet but I know of someone who wears old Mission skates but I can compare with those. I guess I would just try out the Missions because they have the low cut boot and the forward pitch adjustment on their holders and ankle flex. Quite similar to Graf and I trust the quality on Missions than I do with Graf. Especially when Mission is going to have the stick deal in the summer when you buy a skate and get a free stick. Refer to this thread. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?showtopic=9844&st=0 Someone mentioned S500 skate at hockeygeeks for 269$ US. Good deal. wow I wrote too much.
  5. I think MISSION makes the rafalski and BAUER makes the naslund blade models.
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