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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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puckmart.com, good or bad?

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PuckMart= Hockey West.

What this means is they are the distributor for smaller mom and pop shops who don't have manufacturer accounts. So all you're doing is paying the same price as you would to an independent shop, while they rake in twice the wholesale profit. IMO- buy somewhere else out of principle for the smaller guys.

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Its like a time machine. I'm somewhat surprised they have any of that old crap still in stock. There really isn't a good deal on any of that stuff though, I feel sorry for the shops that have to buy from them, as they might as well buy it from a long distance competitor and try to get a better rate.

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Almost all U.S. retailers, big or small, get their back-up products from Hockey West, so does PuckMart.com.

Almost all U.S. retailers, big or small, get their back-up products from Hockey West, so does PuckMart.com. Their shipping is fast and efficient. They are great in carrying figure skating stuff....

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