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Proper lace tightening for ice skates (top 2 eyelets)

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just saw this tying technique on reddit: https://youtu.be/IijQyX_YCKA

Anyone ever tried this with skates? I leave my top eyelet undone - and try not to over tighten my skates (espeically from the 3rd eyelet down), but sometimes I have to adjust after 5 mins of skating. This could fix that issue for anyone whos having it.

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just saw this tying technique on reddit: https://youtu.be/IijQyX_YCKA

Anyone ever tried this with skates? I leave my top eyelet undone - and try not to over tighten my skates (espeically from the 3rd eyelet down), but sometimes I have to adjust after 5 mins of skating. This could fix that issue for anyone whos having it.

Works at locking the heel/laces, but I found it be very restrictive.... especially if you're used to skipping the top eyelet (which I did for awhile, but noticed my skates were way too loose mid-game as well). I'd imagine it'd create some lace bite if you did it on the second eyelet, but... give it it a try, let us know if it works. If it holds, I may go back to skipping an eyelet!

There's a couple of threads on here that talk about that very technique/lace lock in general:



So I'm in my VH Skates which feel great, but I don't get enough forward flex when I lace all the way up, and also don't get enough side-to-side support when I drop an eyelet. Any suggestions?

This "old school" technique might work for you (drop an eyelet, but tape the top of your foot to the tendon guard):


As a side note:

Mimizk and I were talking about this a couple months ago, and here's some more information on forward flex:

The key points are 3 when we lace up.

1. tightening

2. but give angle for ankle

3. but get the lateral stability

Many people have been thinking about these confused issues.



I think Kovalev's style was used more people few years ago. Very flop style, skipped last eyelet and taping tendon guard and shin. But now hardly find this style in NHL players.

I think the reason is developed technology of boots' solidity. Vintage players usually did original thinkouts though it needed from week skate body like normal leather shoes. But now we can easily get the 3 points of stabilities which I wrote at first if we just lace up our skates correctly.

I had played not use last eyelet lacing for very long time. So I know your feeling.

Today's my lacing method is here.

Honestly VH skate is rare case. This amazing boots really don't loose laces because of solid eyelet fins. So if I do Type.2 tack style, I don't feel bad.

Mimizk's technique of bending the knee past 90, then lacing up VS. my preference of skipping an eyelet (for the record, I've since switched to Mimizk's technique-- good trade off of forward flex to lateral stability!):



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I started skipping the second-to-last eyelet (Crosby-style) today. Absolutely perfect. Lots of forward flex but maintains that lateral stability.

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I started skipping the second-to-last eyelet (Crosby-style) today. Absolutely perfect. Lots of forward flex but maintains that lateral stability.

Do you by chance do this with mako 2's?

Since I got back into mine two weeks ago I found that lacing all the way up is a little restrictive, so i tried skipping the second to last eyelet and there's no loss in stability but gained a good amount of foreward flex. I also tighten every eyelet pretty tight.

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