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Easton sticks V9 vs Bauer sticks

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I use Bauer Nexus 1000 right now and like it very much "P92 - 77flex". I have used NXG and APX as well but prefer the Nexus. I am Very interested in the Easton V9. At one point I used the Easton Se16 and liked it a little more than the beloved one95 except the durability. I have tried just about every brands high end stick at one point but always come back to Bauer except in the case of Easton's SE16. So my question is has anyone tried the V9 and how does it compare with high end Bauer sticks "nexus"? Also, how is durability of newer Easton sticks? Blades always seemed to crack on there sticks in my experience. What is important to me when buying a stick is... Balance. "Hate blade heavy". Feel "hate pingy" pingy sticks are for people with great hands IMO. I like a light stick. Kick point doesn't mean anything to me. It's just a way for them to sell multiple sticks IMO.


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actually kickpoint means a lot pending on your shot. Differences in a V9 and Bauer so far. The V9 seems to have quicker release and the blade doesnt break down as fast as Bauers. The V9 will have a kickpoint close to the NEXUS.

I am done buying bauer after the break down of the non pro stock blades. I think its lousy that you can hear the blade creak one month after you get it because they want you to spend another 260, when the pro stock version keeps on ticking.

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actually kickpoint means a lot pending on your shot. Differences in a V9 and Bauer so far. The V9 seems to have quicker release and the blade doesnt break down as fast as Bauers. The V9 will have a kickpoint close to the NEXUS.

I am done buying bauer after the break down of the non pro stock blades. I think its lousy that you can hear the blade creak one month after you get it because they want you to spend another 260, when the pro stock version keeps on ticking.

Thanks for your reply.

I can appreciate the theory of kick point, but for most of us that are Not pros loading the stick properly with the correct mechanics is very difficult especially in game situation when time is limited. I never felt any difference in my wrist shots with low or high kick point. APX or NXG. Anyways it's funny that you mentioned the creaking in Bauer sticks. Because they do creak but always seem to last even with the creak for me.

Big question for me is the V9 pingy? I would say Bauers range in pingyness goes NXG then APX with nexus being the softest feel! The pingyest stick I ever owned was S17. How does V9 fall into these?

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V9 and v9e are both great. Also the warrior dt1st is supposed to feel like the se16

And u can try the warrior for a month and return it for refund if u don't like

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V9 and v9e are both great. Also the warrior dt1st is supposed to feel like the se16And u can try the warrior for a month and return it for refund if u don't like

Tried most warriors and don't like any. DT1 felt blade heavy to me


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You can always slightly modify your technique to match the stick's penchant/design. But how many of us here shoot well enough to notice?

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You can always slightly modify your technique to match the stick's penchant/design. But how many of us here shoot well enough to notice?

I doubt many high level hockey players are trolling this site! Lol. In my case it's not really to help me play better it just comes down to what feels most comfortable in my hands.

Like you said in your sig "it's the magician not the wand"

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I'm a little disappointed with mod squad hockey in the limited responses I have received on this topic.

I did read in another post that v9 was having some durability issues? Can anyone confirm this? Some people were looking to dT1 which I honestly think is not comparable to any high end Bauer sticks no matter what the warrior fan boys think. It feels like my old dolomite to me which is blade heavy and had blade breaking issues like most sticks other than Bauer in my experience.

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