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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Blueshockey6

  1. Pick up a pair of Eric Brewer's Mission Titanium shaft this morning at the St. Louis Blues equipment sale, 2 brand new grip shafts for $60 ($30 each), will post pics when I get home this evening
  2. It's ridiculous how sketchy people are now a days. Last winter after a game a guy on my team hit the showers, left his bag right outside of the showers, came out and his entire bag was gone, they left his clothes but took the equipment and sticks
  3. I don't get the fascination with the mirrored visors, their awful looking to me
  4. they used to be 75$ for a pair like 5 years ago. i was down there on new years eve and they had a brand new pair of mayers ppfs for 140$, well worth it if you need gloves in my opinion. There was a pair of Dan Hinote gloves for $115 and a pair of Brad Boyes M1's for $125
  5. Are you guys finding these on Ebay or what? The pro shop at Scottrade Center in St.Louis has same game used Pro Stock St.Louis Blues gloves, but their $135 for the pair
  6. Glove collections are easy if you are patient. There's deals left and right. It's the stick collections I see with 10 s-19's and vapor 60's that I wonder about. Shoot I'm looking for a decent pair of gloves ($45-$55) and everything I find is junk
  7. I'd like to know where people get their $$ for these collections lol
  8. If anyone is interested in selling a pair of gloves 14-15" for a reasonable price, please PM me
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