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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Helmet: bauer 4500 Visor: Oakley straight small. not always used. i think i want the normal straight one after skating in the small. Shoulder pads: bauer subreme one75 brand new, like them so far. Elbow pads: great simple classic 1-piece desgn ITECH! got em for 15 bucks brand new. still have some leather jofas with the upper cuff. Gloves: some all leather CCM w/ 1 piece fingers. repalmed recently and feel great. Pants: JOFA 5000 similar to takla pant that is a step down from the air 9000. Shin pads: the dilema! ahhh right now some old supremes in 13 inch. too short but easy to skate compared to my 15" jofas. i wish i still had my worn out 14s. btw I have some JOFA 9090's (yes the great ones) in 15" perfect condition if someone wants to buy them or trade me some 14s Skates: bauer supreme 7000's (shreddded, small and retired) just started skating a new pair of Graf g3's. -edit- had to get them replaced by graf due to defects. awaiting new pair. just got some one75s for cheap. great skate. had to work the fit out some. was able to stay in a size 9 just enough right amount more room than the size 9 7000s that were to small. Stick: many! haha bauer woodstick, sherwood wood stick, orange synergy 100flx forsberg, s11 same curve 85flx, Z-Bubble 110 flx w/ modano wood blade. bout to get a new fancy blade for it. - had to sand off the grip from the composites now that my gloves have full palms. haha Want to play hockey but its 3 am! wish i was up north where i could find a frozen court or something. some of my fondest memories!
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