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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Sniper#39

  • Birthday 10/20/1966


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    RBK 11K
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    Sher-Wood Classic
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    Easton S19

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    Edmonton CANADA
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  1. The stick on the right is Hespeler Nemesis, and the one on the right is a old Mission Flyweight. From Left to right: Hespeler 9009 Mission L-2 Mission Flyweight Original TPS Response Hespeler Alpha Nemesis Mission Pulse Grip
  2. I was bored...*lol*...Thx
  3. Here's my current "in use" gear: Gear Lotsa stuff in reserve that doesn't get used much (if at all) but this stuff is used regularly. Note: The Intake & Pulse are brand spankin' new - so I really can't say I use ALL of this regularly I guess.
  4. Mission L-2 Shaft - 85 Flex Reviewer background: 5'10", 185 lbs. ICE - Mens League 2-3 Times per Week Usage before review: 15 games Test Blade: TPS R2 Wood - Messier pattern RH Generalities: Coming from 10-7 Flex Bio Flyweights I had high hopes that Mission had come to bear with a suitable replacement and was not dissapointed when I picked the L-2 up. I have preferred Mission's "Box" profile over other manufacturers for some time now and was happy to see it carried over to this shaft. Weight distribution and balance is on par with the Flyweight and the finish is exemplary. 9/10 Stickhandling/Passing: Being a staunch wood blade proponent as I truly believe I feel the puch better - I am happy to say that the feel is very good with this shaft and the TPS blade. Receiving hard passes is not an issue for me. 8.5/10 Weight/Balance: Without actually throwing it on a scale next to the Flyweight combo I would have to say that the differences are negligible. Balance with the wood blade is excellent. Overall a very well balanced combo that has a good sturdy feel to it. 8.5/10 Shooting: For some reason with this combo I seem to be able to get a bit more zip on my heavier shots (Slappers and Heavy Snappers) - perhaps the 85 flex may contribute to this. Accuracy is very good and I have found I can pretty much place my shots wherever I want them. 9/10 Durability: Time will tell but as of this writing the shaft has NO noticeable flaws or blemishes even after taking (and giving) a few pretty good hacks. If I can get even close to the longevity out of the L-2 that I have from my Flyweights I'll be very happy. 9/10 Intangibles: My only real issue with the shaft may be that it is a bit "slick" feeling in my hands. The finish is done so well that it's as if there's a layer of clearcoat on the thing making it feel a bit slippery. I can't honestly say it's had any effect on me during play, but I do tend to let it pop into my head from time to time. Perhaps after some more use the gloss will temper so that I don't notice it. I would recommend a grip version of this shaft if anyone from Mission happens to read this. 7.5/10 (PP due to the "Slick" finish) Overall: I am quite happy with this shaft, again my expectations were high being a traditional Flyweight user (and those who use them understand) but can happily state that this combo will be in my toolbox for some time. And I am all of a sudden not so worried about the day (shudder) I no longer have any Flyweights left. I will have no trouble recommending this piece of equipment to anyone who solicits an opinion from me. User rating - 8.5/10 (PP - Slick feel)
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