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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by goaliekilr

  1. People who think hockey is expensive obviously have no connection to Figure Skateing.
  2. Customer: I want to get my skates rebaked for hockey school NO problem, hands me the skates, sorry these aren't bakable Customer : You baked them when we bought them We didn't sell that model Customer: We buy all our hockey equipment here Tell her again we didn't sell that model, Kid pipes up we bought them at a tournament remember mom
  3. Has anyone seen Dominic Moores gloves for the Canadiens, they have to be about the but-ugliest pair of gloves I have ever seen
  4. My son takes care of his wheel bag, why did it break......Lady half the plate material around the wheeel is worn off and broken also, you think he drops it off the back much.
  5. Mike Mckenzie that played for Tampa last year had his done at a quarter when he was in college.
  6. I would doubt it, do you know how many customers throw a roll of tape, or a pair of laces on their credit card since they never carry cash.
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