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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cornbeans

  1. Not as good as some of the collections some of you guys have posted, holy poop thats some nice stuff Just got the CCM U+ today, $130 and they seem brand new The One95 is a Subban Pro stock i was told, its kinda a drury curve, and the warriors i used for ball hockey when i played, gotta get a plug for those :(
  2. i think its the stores brand, United Cycle in Edmonton has alot of stuff made for them with the name on it, my buddy had a few S16 stamped UC, nothing special about them really, they are generally cheaper i believe though
  3. got these last week... loving the eagles so far. love clearance sales, gloves were 100$ and dolo was 130$
  4. got this the other week, PK Subban One95 canada, think its from the world jrs but not sure http://yfrog.com/mh1276212641464j http://yfrog.com/mn1276212665557j
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