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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About angeles

  • Birthday 06/30/1981


  • Skates
    Bauer Nexus Havok
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Vector 10
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Vector 10
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM Vector 10
  • Pants
    CCM Vector 8
  • Helmet
    Easton e700
  • Gloves
    Reebok Kinetik 11k
  • Stick
    Bauer Nexus 600

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  • Location
    Victoria BC
  • Gender

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  1. I finally got to sharpening my skates with my X02 after the holidays and much procrastinating, shame on me. When I did my first pair of skates it did not turn out that well. There were a few minor bumps that I couldn't get rid of, my technique certainly needed improvement. The plus is that it was pretty easy getting level, only took a few passes with a few adjustments in between. I verified this using the Bat Gauge, which can be confusing at times, but overall is a good gauge. I'd like to test out the Butterfly to see the difference. With my second pair of skates I was able to get a better result, much smoother passes, but still some tiny bumps, just not as much. The last pair of skates I sharpened was smooth and I was able to get it without any tiny bumps. Since I got good results with the last pair of skates, I re-did the first 2 skates and they all look great now. I'll be testing the skates tomorrow night. The best part is that it only takes a few minutes to do, is it really that easy? This machine is awesome, I don't know why I was scared of sharpening my skates and put it off for so long. The X02 is amazing and too damn simple to operate, it pretty much does everything on it's own. For anyone who has any hesitation on the X02, just get it, you'll be happy you did. I wish I bought it 3 years ago when I first looked into it, it's definitely money well spent.
  2. You bet I did, hahaha. I paid for most of it, but I asked for money this year, so it wasn't too bad. Still haven't got it going yet, due to the holidays, but I should hopefully get a few sharpenings in next week.
  3. Thanks Deathtron, I actually just got my machine today. I ended up just picking up the batgauge that comes with the accessory kit, the guy I spoke to said that he prefers the batgauge, so I ran with it. If I have any issues with the batgauge I will certainly pick up the butterfly gauge. Can't wait to get it up and running Cheers
  4. All this talk between the Wissota and Blackstone sharpeners had me re-thinking what to purchase, but I decided I'll be picking up the X02. My main reasoning is that it's from Canada (I don't get hit with exchange rates), I want FBV and I won't get hit with shipping charges or duties. If I was in the US, I would most likely get the Wissota with the universal wheel dresser. The ability to do any ROH and having 7" wheels are pretty sweet features. I do have a question regarding the different edge checkers, does anyone have a preference between the batgauge and the butterfly gauge? I'll be picking up the accessory bundle which comes with the batguage, but was wondering if anyone prefers the butterfly gauge, I could probably ask them if it's possible to switch it out.
  5. Hey, I posted about this information back in October. It's information that I've taken from the forum, hopefully it works for what you want. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/10/12/y8upa5yn http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/10/12/yvyjyju4
  6. Thanks Chadd, That helps me from searching this thread for the answer. I'll get the 100/50, then purchase the 95/75 and the 90/75 with some wheels for my second order. That way I can try them out and see which one is best for me.
  7. @mnpucker and @lpgbackups Thanks for your lasts posts, I'll be picking up the X02 in the next week or so, that's just the push I needed to get my butt in gear. I'm not sure if anyone has posted about this yet, but to those thinking about picking up an X01 or X02, Blackstone currently has a promo until the end of year where the X-series Accessory kit is only $99 with purchase of a machine, this is a great deal considering it's regularly $160. Getting the Bat gauge alone is $125, plus it comes with a lot of other goodies. I'll be picking up the 100/50 for now, and will most likely try the 95/75 or 90/75. I know this has been done to death so I'll just go back and see what Chadd recommended as a rough equivalent to a 1/2 ROH. Thanks guys for keeping this thread going for 6 years, you guys are a wealth of information. Cheers
  8. @lpgbackups: I just want to start saying that your review on the X02 was awesome, it's the primary reason why I'm leaning toward the X02 over the X01. As for the price, just login to your account and see the price for yourself, sorry this doesn't help those of you that do not have an account. I'm also in Canada, Victoria BC, not that it matters. I see US as well, then CA once I login.
  9. Not really, it just shows USD for some reason. It costs the same in CAD. I had to log into my account to see the price in CAD. I'll be picking up the X01 or X02 soon. Still not sure which machine to pick up.
  10. Hi Martin, I couldn't find any of the documents on the new site, but I did copy these from the site long time ago. Hopefully they're visible and hopefully they're what you were looking for. I don' have a machine yet, but will hopefully be picking one up by the end of the year. Cheers, http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/10/12/y8upa5yn http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/10/12/yvyjyju4
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