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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Yep glad I could help. I would say it is worth the 4.99 too!
  2. Just got the tacki-macs put on and only stick handled a couple of times with a golf ball, so not much use as of yet, I used the adesive they give you with the grips. They do not move and I don't see how they can or will wear your glove down. I read about the glue in the tape is what breaks down your mitts, I could be wrong and thats why I got these grips.
  3. Finished it a couple days ago and haven't used it on the ice yet, this coming week I will be though. I have been doing some golf ball stick handling though and it feels good. It is not like stickum and I never used the easton matt. I have a harrow matt and its similar but I feel it provides more grip. I have not problems sliding my glove around. It looks to be holding up but I haven't use it a lot. There seems to be some material flaking off which is very minor. The top stick between the Bauer and the grip is a slight peel which happened when putting the grip on the wet top part of the shaft.
  4. Got my Warrior Bully gloves, tacki mac grips, and total one blade. One has a 95 blade the other has the total one. I also sprayed the one95 shafts with plasti dip in the clear spray.
  5. Ovie where did you pick those up at?
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