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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by dustwvl

  1. Thanks. I will try the 8 ft.
  2. The other thread about radious length got me thinking as I am about to get my skates profiled. I have very small feet. I wear a size 5 skate. I way about 170 though. I was wondering if I should be going with a 9 foot or should I be going with a * because my skates are so small. I understand a 9 fott is a 9 foot but it seems the ratio would be different. I am not sure if it even makes a difference. I know the guy that does the profiling for me said that alot of people that go with the 8 say they feel sort of tippy back and forth if that makes sense. Any help from the skate experts here would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Had the same problem with graf 705's. The actuallt caused small bumps on the outside of each heel. It is hard to find skates that dont hurt that area now.
  4. I was at Summit Sports in Brighton MI today and they had a bunch of both left and right of this stick.
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