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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Here are a few pics of my current outdoor skates. We have an outdoor rink that we built like 10 years ago where a bunch of us just get together and play for some fun, and these are the skates I've kept around to get beat up on. bought these babies new forever and a day ago and love em.
  2. Thanks for the responses guys. I already have a brand new medium vangard, Guess I will sell this one and order a large, It sucks because apparently the sizing is JUST over the "medium limit"
  3. ok so here's my deal...im trying to put a new vanguard on my pair of old pure white nike zoom's, and am wondering about the sizes. The skates are a size 10, and read somewhere (cant find it now of course) that with the older skates (nike and bauer specifically) that a medium mission chassis will fit size 10, but then I have been told that it doesnt matter and a size 10 skates will need a large. Any input?
  4. wheels: back and forth between one90's and pro stock quest mitts: NBH pro 4-roll lid: Bauer 4000 w/ oakley half pants: rbk pro stock "8k" shins: rbk 8k elbow: Jofa 8055 Twigs: one95's, dolomite's
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