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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Kiernan97

  • Birthday 03/05/1990


  • Skates
    X60, XXXX, XXX, Nike Zoom Airs
  • Hockey Bag
    RMU Team issue
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood Classics
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    4500 fishbowl, 4500 cage, 5500
  • Gloves
    Harrow Team issue
  • Stick
    Reebok 8.0.8, Warrior Dolomite, S17, XN10, CNT STEALTH

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  1. Helmet: Bauer 4500 with cage, bauer 4500 halfer Shoulder pads: sherwood classics Elbow pads: old ccms Pants: tackla airs Gloves: Bauer 4 rolls, team issue harrows Shin pads: old ccms Skates: X60, XXXX Sticks: 3 Pro stock Reebok 8.0.8, 3 Pro Stock Warrior Dolomite HD, 2 Pro Stock tps XN10, 2 zetterberb S17, Sherwood 5030, Stealth cnt with warrior blade, and Easton SE16
  2. Kiernan97

    Easton S17

    Reviewer details: 6' 230 lbs. Winger Stick details: Heatley curve 100 flex stick is cut about an inch Initial impressions: I think my first impression the stick looked really good. Very Light Feels really good. 9/10 Blade: The blade felt really good when i first started using the stick, my shots were definately harder and it was very nice at first. The puck felt good on the blade of the stick but towards the end of the first week it felt way too whippy and when i would shoot I didnt like it. 8/10 Shaft/Flex: The shaft felt really good but the 100 flex cut down about an inch felt really good at first then towards the end of the second practice the stick started to feel really whippy. 8/10 Feel: I actually liked the feel of the puck on the blade and I liked the way it felt when stick handling and when shooting the puck. 10/10 Shooting: The stick was definately very whippy for a 100 flex and when I was shooting the puck I was shooting it a lot harder. I usually dont take any slapshots but my snapshots and wrist shots were a lot harder and had more velocity. 9/10 Weight/Balance: The s17 weight and balance was really nice and i liked it, the lower half of the stick weighed nothing and the rest of the shaft is were most of the weight is. It is light and it feels like you dont even have a stick in your hand. 9/10 Durability: Ok this is the biggest downfall of this stick in my eyes because I orded a pack of 3 s17s and I had them all broken within a month of playing. the first one I broke the blade within the first week I first took the stick on the ice. The second two broke over the next two weeks one broke while i was taking a snapshot then the next broke in the shaft when I was in front of the net tipping a shot.7/10 Intangibles: The stick definately flexed too much so i would have to get a higher flex to actually use my normal 100 flex stick because the 100 flex felt like a 75-85 flex, other than that i wouldnt change much. 9/10 Conclusion: Conclusion is it is a good stick for the time it lasts you, your shots will be harder passes crisper, but when the stick starts to get way too whippy after a little while. They break pretty easy but i think it was worth it because I got each for about 100$ ea. the stick is definately worth it if you are willing to spend the money on them. 8/10 overall. 8.5/10
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