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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vet88 last won the day on March 30

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  1. Hey there,

    You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about skate fitting, so I figure I'd ask you a quick question, if you don't mind!

    For the past couple years I've been in Vapor X80's.  I have a lower-medium volume foot with super bony protruding ankles, but liked the close low-volume fit of the vapors.  My ankles turned out to be an issue in the vapors narrow heel, and I needed to get them punched out on both inside ankle bone spots.  I also had a problem on the outside forefoot of my left foot, and had to get a slight punch there.  They seemed to fit well after that if not snugly through the entire mid and forefoot.  But I liked the power transfer they gave me.

    Side note: after punching, another issue emerged - the top cuff on the left skate was now able to rub against my outer leg, and i had to tape a silicon pad to my leg to prevent painful rubbing.

    Anyway, I just recently bought some new Supreme 1S, as my vapors were at the end of their days, and I was tired of the rubbing cuff issue (was also ready for some lighter, stiffer skates).  They fit super comfortably right out of the box after heat molding - definitely snug in the forefoot and instep - no rub spots - and also give my bony inner ankles enough space to not be excruciating.

    My concern is this:  they feel too comfortable, and I'm a little worried.  There are no bone rub spots.  There is no cuff rubbing.  My foot lays fully flat in the skate (isn't crunched on the sides at all).  I'm used to skates needing to be punched, being super snug, etc.  I'm worried that these are too big or too voluminous and might be a detriment to my skating.  I'm probably overthinking all of this but it was a large purchase as you know.  Does this all just mean that they... fit well?  

    Thanks for your time!


    1. Vet88


      Hey Jordan, it's difficult to say without really seeing your foot shape and sometimes it is hard to tell if they fit well unless you can have a skate in them. They are an expensive outlay but are a big step up from your previous boots. The padding in the ankle area is a lot different from the X80 and it will be this that is supporting you at the moment and giving you the comfort feel. If you can skate in them these would be the things I would look for: How is your heel lock? When skating backwards do you feel the heel lifting at all? After skating for 30 minutes or so, can you feel as though you can move the heel from side to side in the boot? Your forefoot and instep feel good so I wouldn't question this but I'd still ask the same question after 30 minutes of skating, do you feel as though you can move your foot side to side in the boot? How is the pencil test for volume? Does your tongue move to the outside of the boot as you skate? If you can't skate in them then you have to ask yourself the same questions after wearing them for 20 minutes or so around the house or shop but it is much harder to get a read on this because until you skate in them then you don't know how your foot is balanced in the skate. If your foot sits neutrally in the skate then you should be good because you will not place excessive pressure on the padding and it wont collapse and therefore hold your foot well. But if your foot rolls or moves at all then this is where you may develop issues down the track.  


    2. Jvhowube


      Hey Vet,

      Thanks for taking the time to respond.  My heel feels locked in the entire skate session.  The tongue moves a bit to the outside of both skates, but not much.  It seems the 1S isn't as deep (instep) as the old Vapors, so I feel very secure through the top of my foot.  The real difference I feel the boot overall isn't as snug through the arch section of my feet.  I guess I'm just mostly alarmed by the different feels between the two - the Vapors feel like a snug glove, and the 1S feel like old sneakers that have totally molded to my foot.  I definitely don't feel any rolling or excessive movement though.  Thanks for bearing with me here.  Guess I'll stick with them for a few months to see how I get used to them.  I'm not sure the extra volume in the Supreme will end up working for me - we'll see.

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