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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Gub

  1. I certainly understand your concern with the Batgage from Blackstone. However, it has been re-engineered and it works absolutely fantastic now. I definitely recommend getting one as it now works as it is supposed to with no issues. You will notice on the website that is says "new and improved".
  2. We are amazed at how many players are using the Flat Bottom V in the NHL. Every day we speak with the equipment managers around the league and we are getting excellent feedback and constant orders for more FBV spinners. The number of players using it on each team vary from a handful to nearly all of them including goalies. It is changing every day. I believe there are 25 teams now with the capability off the top of my head. It has really taken off and we are having a ton of fun with it.
  3. Cool. Thanks Flash. The 100/75 is pretty aggressive but you will definitely get rid of any slippage issues. All the best!
  4. Flash, where did you get the 100/50 done? Just want to make sure you got it done right.
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