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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Sidorov96

  • Birthday 09/21/1989


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer One75
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood Classic
  • Pants
    Reebok 5k
  • Helmet
    Reebok 6k
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise
  • Stick

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  1. Hey All, I tried searching on these forums for an answer but couldn’t quite find what I was looking for. ive been looking online for some Nike zoom air skates and there tend to be a fair amount of zoom air roller skates that come up but I only place ice hockey. I was wondering what it’s like to convert roller skates to ice skates. My 2 biggest questions are what is the stiffness like on a roller boot compared to an ice boot and then second, what is the protection like on a roller skate compared to an ice boot if you’re to get hit with a puck in the boot or on the toe cap etc?
  2. Thanks man. I believe Nike's fit like, BoDangles said. They're about a size smaller than your shoe size. For example my shoe size is a 9-9.5 and the Air accels I got are size 8 and fit good.
  3. Just got these skates the other day. they were pretty yellowed when I got them, but I used a clorox bleach pen on them and now they look almost brand new, except for a few stains which don't want to come out. I love these skates style, Ever since they came out and I saw Sergei Fedorov in them.
  4. that Ovi clone came out amazing! looks almost exact. It also doesnt look like it damaged the blade at all, it still has smooth lines, with to me would indicate that the blade didnt break during the re-bending process. Great job!
  5. it cost me $140. Yeah they used their Rf-97 stick for these curves.
  6. HOLY SMOKES!! I love those skates!! I too have always wanted those skates since I was a kid, much in part to Sergei Fedorov haha, and you cant beat the price and theyre in amazing condition, very jealous! great buy!
  7. I dunno i just find the main part of the blade too straight, and then just a sudden curve at the toe. I dont like that, I cant say I've used one to say i truely dont like the way it performs, but just from a visual inspection I dont like it.
  8. Finally got my Kovalchuk curve stick from Kynetyk Hockey, I was searching all over for a good toe curve in a left handed version, and didnt really like Hossa's for some reason, so I found that Kynetyk was making left and right handed versions of Kovalchuk's curve, which is the curve I really wanted. The curve on this stick is awesome! I havent used it yet, I literally just got it and snapped a few pictures. It's an 87 flex.
  9. Got my Malkin pro stock last week, although I only got around to taking some pictures today. I love this stick! I cant wait to use it again.
  10. Just got these skates last week!! sorry I've been to busy to post pics sooner. Most comfortable skate ever!!
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