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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I went from a 7D in supreme to 6D in RBZ, make sure to try them before.
  2. I had the chance to hold the RBK 20K protective line a while ago... soooooooooooo ridiculously light.
  3. Anyone knows when the new eq pro gloves will be released?
  4. Just saw the mako 2 at my store today. I have to say that the orange color is weird looking, it's very fluorescent. I also thought the shape of the shaft would be more square-ish, but i love the grip finish on the blade. The kreps curve is exactly the same as a kreps pro stock and not an ovi open curve at all. Im still gonna buy one, i heard it shoots amazingly well!
  5. So how's the texture on the shaft and how's the feel/balance on it? Anyone tried it out yet?
  6. So stoked for the new mako stick and E28 pattern! JR, how's the balance on the Mako 2? Similar to before, like the SE16? And I would like to know what's the texture like on the shaft? Anything similar to something we've seen before?
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