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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Newbie1819

  1. Really? Instead of answering my question you want to sit here and waste my time with useless banter. I'm not going to sit here and type out the entire situation. Don't have an answer? Don't respond With the knowledge on here I assumed it was a pretty straight forward question for a hockey equipment forum.
  2. Im going straight through Bauer. I've been getting them done my entire pro career. I have a ticket number. I'm curious to know what that is? I get yellow liner, however if there's a better grip liner I will ask for it.
  3. Didn't answer my question. I'm really just curious as to what it means? What grip liner holds your foot in place the best? Can you get it in yellow?
  4. What do these options mean? Outsole/Standard •Full Carbon Composite perforated outsole •752 TPR White Are there any options that are not written on the Bauer options listed on the first page of this thread?
  5. Hey - thanks for the message. Yea I'm a pro hockey player and I'd like to see how it will help my skating in the off season. We don't have any "ins" with any inline companies. I'm really not looking to spend a lot of money because of all the bills I have. More coming too. That was the only reason I had posted those Kuzaks. I had heard though that the sprungs were the mos...

  6. Hey, you can find a pair on old cheap boots with frames easier than frames by themselves. The mounting is not cheap unless you do it yourself. If you play ice anything at any price is stiff crap compared to Sprungs performance. So if you want to train and get better get Sprungs. If you want to spend time and money on less, rigid is the route.

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