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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About iceholes

  • Birthday 01/01/1966

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    Central New York
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  1. cant find a browser on my pc that wraps the whole modsquad forum thread ... its one long dang line...
  2. yes Tanels are the 360 degrees!!!
  3. well... three nights a weeks for the last 4 years since I cut back from 5 nights... I have way too many bats all way too much $$$ My first Synergy was a bat not a stick... I dont have a problem paying $300+ for a bat like I do 150+ for a stick. I know my Bat wont break because of someone else , or get stepped on, or break on a face-off,,,etc.. Sticks dont last any where near the life of a Bat IMO.. bATS ARE ALL PERSONAL PREFERENCE!!!! most composites are awesome bats... I use an old Kelley wraptech...freak plus and freak 98 and an original and second batch synergy. Oh I also feel Tanel cleats help your knees/ankles through summer hockey Go long go deep, but dont go foul
  4. 1052 helmet koho 4420 elbows...looking at v12's 1152 Pants..perfect fit form and function 652 shins...didnt last long and bought to low of quality for how I play looking at v10 or 12 to replace CCM PRO Tacks gloves 15" Damn all this ccm stuff..never realized that,,, 1. vapor xxx Hossa 102 pro flex .. monster 1timers 2. easton Ultra light shaft and TPS r2 messier blade...(durability in question..heel damage after 3 games) very light combination. 3. Easton synergy grip with nike pm3 Apollo blade... amazing durability.. Blade has 50 plus games...not a hint of breaking down. Absolutely the best blade I have used, curve patterns delegated this to third in line Bag...too small...
  5. 1052 helmet koho 4420 elbows...looking at v12's 1152 Pants..perfect fit form and function 652 shins...didnt last long and bought to low of quality for how I play looking at v10 or 12 to replace 1. vapor xxx Hossa 102 pro flex .. monster 1timers 2. easton Ultra light shaft and TPS PTC messier blade...(durability in question..heel damage after 3 games) very light combination. 3. Easton synergy grip with nike pm3 Apollo blade... amazing durability.. Blade has 50 plus games...not a hint of breaking down. Absolutely the best blade I have used, curve patterns delegated this to third in line Bag...too small...
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