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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. That, is... a LOT of sticks good sticks too You mean TOO MANY STICKS !!!! Why I need those I have no idea. Must cut down, sell some off or give some away.....
  2. Helmet: Nike HH004 x 2 w/ Oakley Modified Aviator & Itech FX 50 Visor Shoulder Pads: Cooper Techniflex Elbows: Bauer Vapor 4 Pants: Bauer PRSTK Canucks, Nike PRSTK Canucks, Nike Quest 1 Shin Pad: Bauer Vapor 4 Skates: Nike Ignite 1 PRSTK, Bauer Vapor XX Gloves: Eagle X51 Black, Eagle X80 Navy Blue Sticks: Innovative True One Kovalev LH, Innovative Inno 4000 x 2 w/ Easton Lidstrom Z Carbon LH, Innovative PROSTK 1100 Jovanovski x 2 w/ Easton Lidstrom Z Carbon & Drury LH, Mission M1 Grip Pro w/ Easton Lidstrom Z Carbon LH, Easton Synergy Grip Yellow Lidstrom LH, Innovative Fedorov w/ Easton Z Carbon Lidstrom LH.
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