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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by S.Mack.PC

  1. Attended an all girls hockey camp this past week in Colorado, nothing really special but a fun week. That's not the highlight though. Wednesday, I was surprised when I got off the ice when an ACHA college captain wanted to talk to me. I met with her and her coach and they informed me that my skill was very surprising for only being 14 and my size (5'10")was also a huge asset that they would love to have play for them if I so choose not to play NCAA which they were convinced that I can play because of my skill and am still very young. After camp ended yesterday, we all had an opportunity to have a one on one interview with the main coach at this camp. He told me that, in his and the other coaches' opinions (who played NCAA women's hockey both D1 and D3) that I have serious potential to be a great college hockey player and even play at high levels after college. At only 14 I'm sure you can imagine how much it meant to me to already be told of my potential of experienced coaches to play NCAA college hockey and have an ACHA team that is already interested in me. Just plain excited right now.
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