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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Vuronov

  1. Thanks, I thought I might, but not sure what profile I'd need to get back to the default CXN one, I'll search the forums as I remember seeing something about it. Hopefully, the proshop here in Tampa can do it for me (pretty sure they can, more about whether I can ask for the right things lol).
  2. Have been wearing my Mako's (originals) for around 1.5 years of weekly use and still love them! I've had zero durability issues personally and still feel like they give plenty of support and the best agility I've ever had in a skate. I will say that as time has gone on, some of that great "feel" while skating has diminished slightly, and I'm guessing it has something to do with sharpenings affecting the profile or something (not that knowledgeable on blades beyond my preferred hollow). I've been thinking of getting a fresh set of steel to see if that gives me back the same feel I had early on (plus wouldn't mind just having a spare) but seems the size 7 runners are damn hard to find. Seem sold out at almost every online location I look (finally did find it at one shop). Remember reading in the latest Easton catalog thread that a new model is coming out next year, can't wait to see it and maybe grab that (or a Mako 2 on clearance!).
  3. I've had mine for about 6 months...consistently 2-3 games a week through that time. So far, they've held up great...no issues with unexpected wear or structural failure. I've loved how they felt and feel a definite improvement in my mobility and agility. However, that's just my experience. YMMV.
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