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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Vinny_R

  • Birthday 11/14/1983


  • Skates
    Graf 507
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Warrior projekt
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer vapor
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton stealth 777
  • Pants
    Bauer One80
  • Helmet
    Easton S17
  • Gloves
    bauer 4 roll pro
  • Stick
    Warrior ak 27, rbk 6-0-6 Sher-wood t90

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Amos, Qc
  • Gender
  1. Beer league's tough guy makes me crazy!
  2. Just finished installing my hardwood floor everywhere in my house... only have baseboard to install and my project is done after 7 month of work.
  3. Finish to install some floor in my new house, only hardwood and some isolation to finish the first part on my house building project... can't wait for that I'm working on it since June. Finish to install some floor in my new house, only hardwood and some isolation to finish the first part on my house building project... can't wait for that I'm working on it since June.
  4. Snow... a big s***load of snow...
  5. Your trophy looks exactly the same as the one we won this year!
  6. Chose all the things I'm gonna have in my brand new house, gonna receive it in June, can't wait to move from my tiny appartment...
  7. Baby boy had big fever, went to hospital for 3 hours last night (11H30 p.m to 2H30a.m.) then did my 12 hours shift with fight popping out everywhere in the jail... and my shoulder injury from last summer came back...
  8. Welcome in the gang of the insomniacs zombies! Best gang in the world! For my sweet part, no more swinging schedules at job, got a new place and will be there for 3 years (rotation time for us). 7 days of work, 7 days off then 5 days of work and 2 days off... gonna ben fun!
  9. Elimination games went wrong yesterday (except for my goal). The first game, one team told the other the week before that they are not able to have a complete team with enough replacement players that played one game in the season (rule for our playoff). So team 2 told the team 1 captain to come anyway, they want to play the game. So this week Team 2 comes with 3 guy that didn't played in the season (not big dominent guys, within the league ''talent'') and win the game 6-4. Team 2 captain then tells that even if they loose they passes to final because last week Team 1 told them that the game was theirs. So now there's a meeting on tuesday to settles the thing. Then in the game 2, we were winning 9-4 with 5 min to play, I try a bomb at the other team blue line (from my goal line), my player takes the puck but got slashed two handed on the right foot by an idiotic little wanna be Gretzky of 17 years old. I go for the guy to talk a little with him but got clotheslined by another guy and now I'm not sure I will be able to work on monday because my neck is hurting bad.
  10. Finally scored my first ''real'' goal of the season yesterday. Big wrist shot from the top circle, blocker side. I say it's my first true goal because I scored one in an empty net from my goal line in the second game of the season...
  11. Signed my papers for the purchase of a land to build my house. Finally gonna have MY home.
  12. Don't be ashamed, keep your chin up and concentrate on how much progress you made. It's not the number of time a man falls that count but the numbers of times that a man gets up (cheesy as hell but really true)!
  13. Last game of the regular season yesterday, finished season with 1 goal and 30 passes... and the goal was an empty goal from behing my goal line... sad to see that I'm not a goal scoring offensive D-Men anymore...
  14. Got some changes so time to update, in order that I put my stuff: - Jock: nobody care (reebok 6K compression shorts with Shock doctor cup instead of the reebok one) - Shin guards: Warrior ProJeckt - Pants: Bauer One80 long - Skates: Graf 502 with plastic guard over - Shoulders pads: Easton stealth 777 or none -Elbows: all stitches up Bauer Vapor (first year Bauer made the Vapor line) - Gloves: Bauer 4-Rolls pro Sticks: Warrior AK-27 shaft with Easton E-Pro wood blade, Reebok 6-0-6, Sherwood T90 breast cancer edition
  15. Got up this morning and saw this! http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff488/Vinny_83/DSCF1198.jpg
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