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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Slayers

  1. If they are having a big sale going on I would try and see what kinds of deals you can get. A local place near me does a clear out each year and some of the deals they have are great and some just so so. Also there is nothing wrong with going into the shop and have them fit you for pad. Tell them you are looking at all brands and have them size you that way when your looking on CL or ebay you know what size to grab and wont have to worry about it.
  2. Did you have yourself sized to fit a 30? When I went back to playing goalie a few years ago the new pad sizing mess me all up 34 +2 or +1 was the hardest thing to figure out until I got sized to the correct pad. If by squishy you mean soft I would look at a bit higher pad then the 2k. Price is always the fun part of the game trying to figure out how much is too much
  3. I wear nothing but the Nike or Under Armour compression. I have a bunch of it from over the years and there is no way I will spend money on hockey specific stuff when what I have been wearing works the same.
  4. How did you get a deal like that on the Brian stuff? And let us know how you like it they might be my next set of pads
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