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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Birthday 07/07/1986


  • Skates
    Bauer one 100
  • Gloves
    Bauer one 60
  • Stick
    Bauer total one pro stock flyers JVR

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  1. Everything is pro :)
  2. Good stuff thanks for the info guys..... Just got the call to pick this up about a hour ago. All I been doin is smiling :)
  3. Nice gloves man. Everyone's been talkin about them. I need to get a pair. But I'm a Bauer guy...how do u like the feel? What did u use before them?
  4. Got a JVR again. I been waitin for another after my other broke :)
  5. Brand new flyers x60's
  6. Ok thank u. I didn't understand at 1st. But as of everything I put on here. I don't hold on to long but that don't mean I'm selling it trading it or anything. U know what I mean? A lot of ppl on here don't hold onto everything for to long...I know I can't sell n here...that's y I didn't put for sale or anything like that...I sell on another site...thank you again for lettin. Me know cause I had no clue why they took it down
  7. Because of what I said? All I said was "all I can do is simle". Please pm me. I don't wanna mess up the topic
  8. Where did my post go?
  9. Some more flyers home and practice socks. And Wayne Simmons kings pants.
  10. Dude I was pissed I didn't know they had stuff ...that's all they had were the socks. The visors I got from someone
  11. Few prostock things I picked up today
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