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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ShadowHockey

  1. I may be wrong but I believe that they were only available to pros in areas like Russia, Siberia etc. I live in the UK and they were never retailed over here, and I'm usually on the look out for new skates in other countries in Europe. My pair popped up on ebay.com but the seller was in Estonia.
  2. Hey everyone, first post! Played several years before being put through the plexiglass and fracturing my spine in a uni hockey game, been 4 years since and I'm finally picking up the courage to go back into hockey at a recreational (non contact scrimage with some of the local lads) level, although I have been skating a lot in the last year or so. Anyhoo - Had these a couple of months and not seen much of them anywhere else, absolutely brilliant skates and the most comfy out of the box I've ever had (and I've had anything from Vapor xx to grafs to one95s) Bauer 95 Classics
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