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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer one100
  • Hockey Bag
    Team Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer x:40
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 11k
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton EQ50
  • Pants
    Bauer x:60
  • Helmet
    Bauer 5500
  • Gloves
    Warrior Luxe (team)
  • Stick
    Bauer Totalone P14

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  • Location
    Alberta, Canada
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  1. Wheel, Snipe, and Party

  2. TheHockeyGod

    Bauer TotalOne

    Bauer Totalone Flex 87 Curve: P14 Grip Time Frame of use Appox 3 weeks Aesthetics I Personally like the design, simple and not too flashy. Not as nice as a sharp black look like the Easton RS but still isn't still standoutish and looks doesn't affect performance 8.5/10 Weight and Balance: The weight is light as expected with a top end stick probably around the 415-430g mark. If you were to compare this stick to the balance of the APX you would feel that it is more blade heavy, not a huge diffence but its still there. The balance I find to be very comfortable in the hands and easy to get used to. 10/10 Blade: Bauer did something extremely right when creating this blade, it is not to stiff that you will feel passes bounce off your stick and yet not to soft where you sacrifice accuracy on your shot. I find myself knowing where the puck is all the time on my stick and very comfortable with your head up, which is probably the biggest factor I look at when using a stick. 10/10 Shaft and Flex: Personally out of all the sticks I have every used I find this stick to be the most comfortable and best for puckhandling. Note that I perfer a square shaft more than a rounded one so this is perfect. The flex in bauer is something that I have fell in love with, I really like the amplified mid kick point they have introduced it allows me to get off hard shots that are important on the powerplay. The mid-flex does not affect the speed of release on my shot if find of anything it increases it. I may be a little bias to this stick seeming that i am a huge fan of mid kick and square shafts. If you also like that than this is the stick for you. Also my first one lasted a solid 3 months which i believe in the league I play in and the amount of slashing I do is a long time. 10/10 Stickhandling and Passing: I don't have any doubts that you will have success dangling and saucing the puck with this stick. The balance i find helps these attributes out alot. 10/10 Shooting: I love the kickpoint in this stick, best shooting stick i have ever used, got my slapshot up to 87 mph which for a guy my size and age is very good. (age 17 height 5'8 weight 173lbs). I am not sure if the cutting of the stick i do is a factor but if it is not, it is a wonderful shooting and overall stick. 10/10 Durability: As I said previously my first totalone lasted 3 months and with the amount of ice i have I would say that this is the longest I have ever had a stick for in the past 3 years. 10/10 Conclusion: Great puckhandling, great feel, great shot, great looks. I would say that if you like a more traditional mid kick square shafted stick this is the one for you. Bauer also offers many patterns so it is almost a guarantee you will find the one suited for you. I recommend this to the person that likes taking clappers, one tees and snapshots. The best thing about this stick to me is the balance not too top heavy where you can't feel the blade and not to blade heavy where you sacrifice puckhandling. Overall great stick. 10/10
  3. No doubt man! these guys are filthy! I have also become a big fan of The Sheepdogs, Foster the People and this rapper even though he is racist as frig Childish Gambino
  4. Skates:Bauer one100 (with flop) Stick:Bauer Totalone p14 curve Helmet: Bauer 5500 Gloves: Warrior Luxe (team) Pants: Bauer X:60 Shoulder: Easton EQ50 Elbows: RBK 11k Shins: Bauer X40 I just can't get enough of Bauer !!!
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