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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About str8prostock

  • Birthday 01/10/1990

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    New York City
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  1. I was going through my old jerseys and I found this one. Looks dirty
  2. haha i like to see some other wu fans on here. " with no trivia " is the correct lyrics. I live in staten island where all of wu tang is from so my whole team figured this would prob be the best jersey we could think of. I wanna wear it out to the bar after the game but i don't any girls are gonna come near me with the stench coming off of it. Were gonna pick a nickname from all the clan and put it on the back i think I'm gonna go with " The panty raider "
  3. you can prob fit a half dollar under that thing
  4. ehh still not so sure about it, I only used it a couple of times but I feel like my puck handling just feels better with the pm9. I can def pick corners better with my wrist shot. My sauce is def better with the sakic too. I swore by the pm9 for years but I jus wanted to try something new. I haven't used the rs yet can't wait.
  5. Current curves. Rs cleary PM9 clone. s19 sakic. ai9 Penner. You think the penner looks similar to the p106 ?
  6. those vintage flames gloves are fire
  7. ops ? and are those shafts tapered shafts or are they broken one pieces ?
  8. I had those shins recently picked up a pair of warrior projekts i think there even better
  9. nice mitts!! Does the cuff come up high ? never wore 4 rolls
  10. Me using my ez goal i just received in the mail today.
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