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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer X60, Bauer One95
  • Hockey Bag
    SMI Team Bag
  • Shin Pads
    RBK 8K Pro, Jofa 6090
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 9k, Jofa 9044
  • Shoulder Pads
    NBH Pro Defender, Bauer X60
  • Pants
    Easton Pro Stock, Warrior Hustler TBL
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500, CCM V08 Pro, Reebok 8k
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise BUF, Warrior Franchise NYR, Bauer Vapor 40 PIT, Bauer Vapor 40 VAN, Easton Z Air PIT WC, Easton Z Air PIT, Easton Z Air MN
  • Stick
    Total One, X60, One95, S19

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  • Interests
    Hockey. Hockey equipment. Family.
  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Gender

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  1. Easton 85S Skates... http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww233/kovey10/93799c4a.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww233/kovey10/59bbe00d.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww233/kovey10/0a253027.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww233/kovey10/96c57a22.jpg http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww233/kovey10/8669a8f1.jpg
  2. Picked up 2 Pairs of Jofa elbows and a pair of Jofa shins today. The elbows are 8055 and 8035, both are quite nice and a little different than my other Jofa elbows. The shins are 3500s, they're not a top end pad, but have a good amount of padding. Both the knee cap and shin plastic are rigid.
  3. No kidding...guess that's what happens when I step away from equipment for a bit.
  4. Beauties. Where'd you find them in navy/yellow?
  5. That's what I thought. Too small for my big hands. What palms are on them?
  6. Beautiful gloves, love the Habs colors. Where'd you land those at?
  7. They are a pro made pant. They are a 2-piece design and the inside tag says made in Canada by Bauer. I do not know what team they are made for though. They are the most comfortable pants I have ever worn though.
  8. Nike Pro pants. Made by Bauer.
  9. Haha yeah they are looking good and I plan on loving them long time.
  10. These just arrived.
  11. Copper/White, the gold/black ones look more like the retro gloves Montreal wore last year. I can post a pic of them if anyone would like.
  12. Haven't checked out an auction, but they do sell equipment at the convention during the summer.
  13. The Blackhawks store on Michigan Ave used to sell a bunch of equipment and sticks, but nothing anymore. They had a bunch of Versteeg's sticks last year. All of the toes were torched and soft on them though, expect the new ones.
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