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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    CCM Vector Pro
  • Shin Pads
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  • Stick
    Bauer Cpmposite

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    too many
  • Location
    Santa Barbara, CA
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  1. anyone with a C width, high instep skatin in Makos ??? comments appreciated... The Great one can do no wrong ... either him or the other old dude with the crewcut... which eventually became a Mullet...
  2. on a purely 'memories' thing, #1 are the first pr of Tacks I could afford back in '67. Before that I skated in CCMs which were always 1 or 2 levels below. along the way until I stopped 'skating' in '87, I had plenty of Bauers (supremes), Daoust & Hydes, but mostly short daliances because when I got on Langes, back on 72/73 season, you couldn;t tear them out of my grip. So most favorite: Original Lange Pros - had 3 pr then Lange Pro IIs - another awesome skate, even though they gone to PU as the shell material. along with the Tacks, these had the best steel, bar none... in fact I still have my last pr of Lange Pros & Pro IIs - and skated the Lange Pro in my 're-entry' into hockey, some yrs back... I still skate the Pros when I go to a Public Skate... stilled skated the Pro IIs in a few pickup and sticktimes, until 3 wks ago, when I caught a deflected slapshot on the back of the boot, which proceeded to explode into a zillion pieces... PU does get brittle after some years - Oh well... kept the good skate as a momento.... Honestly though, the new stuff is so far superior to ANY of the old school stuff we remember fondly; so the Vapors I now have are just awesome skates. Comfy, powerful, fast and incredible edging angles. Although I still haven't gotten accustomed to the 'sound' of plastic holder skates - they sound ... funky... like an unloaded pickup on a bumpy road. nothing like the sound of a steel holder skate on solid ice - they just sing... think I'll wear the langes to the next sticktime...
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