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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Is CCM Speedblade +4.0 and runner combined +2 or +1? I was thinking it was +1 but not sure. I am on Mission Pitch 3 now at 9' and +1. I think I need to go to +1 with new skate after way my knee flared up after trying the CXN's for over an hour.
  2. So I was grappling with the length issue and went back with a super thin skating sock and spent considerable time trying on 6 and 6.5. I think 6 will be the right answer. But I have another problem. My knees apparently cannot handle the forward pitch, as four hours later I was in UrgentCare and hardly able to walk. I play 3 times a week so not like I'm not used to being in skates, but I'm 45 and spent probably 1.5 hrs in the skates at the store walking around, flexing forward into skating position, sitting, etc. My left knee was barking up a storm louder than Puppy-Monkey-Baby. Doc said those skates are definitely not for you - stay with what works. But I'm thinking the boots ARE for me, I just need to either profile or change holders. Much discussion above about TUUK compatibility. I think I'd like to throw CCM Speedblade +4.0 holders on the Mako boots. Anyone done this before and or know if holes will line up? Thx Edit: clarification - throw CCM holders on Mako II boots, not original Mako
  3. Edit: 6.5D was not available to try on. 5.5D too small.
  4. Mako gurus: need some advice and yes, there are many stores out there that will not bake before sale. I have read all 116 pages of this thread over 2 months - prolly forgot some of it - ha, but still a little fuzzy on one issue -- Do you gain any LENGTH with bake/breakin? I am only concerned about length - I know width will be good based on all of the reviews. My foot fits in an unbaked Mako II 6D (tried it on) but my toes curl just a little bit at end against toe cap (it is not "feather" it is little bit of curl - if I am not going to gain just a bit of length with bake/breakin, I think I would need to move to 6.5. Everywhere else on foot tight but like I said, only worried about length and since my foot fits inside boot pre-bake, I know width will work out with baking. I measure exactly at 6.0 on Easton-brand Brannock sizing device, and 6.5 on Bauer-brand Brannock sizing device, if that is any help. In any other skate I know I'd probably move to 6.5 under the fitting circumstances described above, but if anything is clear from this thread it is that Mako is a different animal (sadly soon to be extinct). $6M Question: Will I gain ANY LENGTH with the bake/breakin such that 6.0D is my size and go with it, or do I need to go 6.5? I like tight fitting skates but do not want toe curl. Thanks, first post. Great site and thread -
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