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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Rustybender

  • Birthday 06/02/1974

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  • Interests
    Ice hockey (duh!), canoeing/kayaking, rock climbing, shooting competitions (guns not pucks), computers.<br><br>Music: Currently listening to Jimmy Buffett, The No-No's, Peaches, Bob Marley.
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  1. Great Skate has the Supreme 70 listed at $379.99 as well ($219 for Jr. sizes.) The One90's are on there too, but with "call for pricing" Both have June delivery. Listing here I'm curious, the 70's aren't "super moldable" like the One90's are they? Are they just Supreme fit skates that look like One90's cosmetically and have the LS2 power blades? I'm in love with the concept of the One90's, not the look. If the 70's are just "regular skates," there's not a whole lot of incentive for me to buy them. Doesn't really matter I guess, I don't need new skates right now anyways.
  2. Helmet: Mission Carbster Cage: Bauer 4000 Shoulder pads: None or Sherwood 5030 Elbows: 17 year old Canadiens Gloves: Bauer Vapor XV Pants: 15 year old Tackla's Shin's: 10 year old CCM's Skates: Bauer 8090's Sticks: A six-pack of Sherwood 5030's LH Coffey :D WOODIES! :D
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