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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Hoffer

  • Birthday 03/29/1991

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  • Interests
    Hockey, Training
  • Location
    St. Louis
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  • Hockey Bag
    Tour Beemer
  • Stick
    Bauer One95

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  1. Saw the new equipment at State Wars as well, every skate I picked up I noticed the wheels touched… spin one wheel; the ones beside it spin as well. I found this interesting and was wondering what is the purpose of this?... smaller turning radius?
  2. I saw the YouTube video on your guys Facebook with the signing of Osterkamp and the news post about the signing of Campbell. Ive seen both compete and how they act on/off the rink, its awesome to see you guys backing players that really are class acts. Also the news of the all 80's and labeda wheels is awesome! Really looking forward to see what you guys bring to the table.
  3. Here is what I play on currently, I have been skating on these skates for a year and half now or so.
  4. Welcome back! I cannot wait to see the new products!
  5. Labeda did correct the error with the hub cracking. To see if you have the fixed/2nd gen hubs, take a wheel out if the outside of the hub around the bearing is an octagon (Think that is how many sides it is) then it is 2nd generation. If the area around the bearing is just a circle, its the hubs that had problems with cracking.
  6. I have one95s with the hummer frame on them. I have had no stability issues and you only have to take a little bit out since part of the outsole underneath where the ice holder was is already cut out.
  7. Bauer Supreme One95 Flex: 87 Curve: P89 (My Bauer/Nike ID) Height: 6’1 Weight: 165 Postition: Defense Introduction: For the most part I play roller a couple times a week, I play in piha, torhs, narch, etc. I also play ice once or twice a week. Another thing to note is that I have been using one95’s since the stick was released. Aesthetics: I really like the all black as the major color scheme of the stick. Both the Nike Bauer and just Bauer branded paint schemes look great. 10/10 Weight and Balance: Compared to some of the other sticks I have used in the past the on95 is a little bit on the blade heavy side. 9/10 Blade: The blades on the one95 are great! They are very durable and the toe of the blades have not chipped on me. I have yet to break the blade of any of my one 95’s, I have only broken my one95’s through out the shaft on one timers, and other shots of that nature. 10/10 Shaft/Flex: The shaft is very durable with a rounded concave feeling. The stick feels natural in my hand and flexes like normal. 10/10 Stickhandling and Passing: The puck feel of this stick is lacking just a little compared to some of the sticks I have used in the past such as the R8 and XN10, you can notice this even more playing roller compared to ice. 8/10 Shooting: The one95s high kick point definitely helps with shooting harder. I find the stick to be nice for slap shots as well as wrist shots. There is also no torquing of the stick when leaning into shots really hard for me. 10/10 Durability: For myself I have found the stick to be a tank. The pain does chip off of the stick fairly easily, but it has not affected the durability for me. The blades are rock solid and I have only had the sticks brake on me in the shaft mainly as stated above when taking one timers. 9/10 Conclusion: Compared to other sticks in the price range I find the one95 to outperform the majority of them. I have also got to use Bauer’s new X60 and although the puck feel is a little better I prefer the overall performance of the one95. 9.5/10
  8. There the Mission MG frame that came from the top skates of the Helium line a couple years ago. I believe 2005ish. Correct me if I am wrong.
  9. I have looked and seen lots of converted one95s but I didn’t see any one95’s mounted on the hummer frame. Has anyone here converted an one95 skate and put them on the Hummer frame? Also is there enough outsole to dermal the outsole to get the 80’s to clear without going the whole way through the foot bed?
  10. Here are some photos of me in the last couple months:
  11. I know of someone who has them mounted to Sensor's, he has had them for a while and the skates are still holding up.
  12. I know in this topic there are pictures of a lot of converted XXXX’s and I was wondering if anyone could tell me how they fit compared to tours and how stiff they are compared to Q’s.
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