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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About andyolly

  • Birthday August 27


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme One.6
  • Hockey Bag
    Reebok Pro Player Equipment Bag - 40in. - Black
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer One55's
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer One35's
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Nexus 200's
  • Pants
    Bauer Supreme 100 Girdle, Bauer Shell
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500
  • Gloves
    Orange/Black Bauer One60's; Navy/Sunflower RBK 7k's
  • Stick
    Easton Mako M5 (Two-piece), 100 Flex, Getzlaf Curve

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Anaheim Ducks, St. Louis Blues, and New England Patriots.
  • Location
    La Crescenta, CA
  • Gender

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  • Twitter
  1. I could never justify spending $800 on a pair of skates. If I was a millionaire, sure. Otherwise it's just ridiculous.
  2. Jealous that you got to try em out/see them. I'm dying to check the new protective gear for myself.
  3. Absolutely love the new Mako line coming out. Over the past year I've slowly been going from Bauer to Easton piece by piece just because they keep putting out better and better equipment. I finally got a matte black e700 a couple months ago. My M5 two-piece broke a couple weeks ago (the shaft broke just above the separation for blades) and so I bought an M2 to replace it. Kinda wished I had waited so that I could try out one of the new Mako 2's. Hopefully at some point I can try out the Mako elbow pads and gloves. I love the way they look (especially the white/orange gloves). Well done, Easton. Can't wait. Also, I've seen a picture of (I think) Benn using a new Mako stick and a picture of some Euro player using the Mako skates, but has anyone seen any other pictures of players using new Mako gear?
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