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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Hockey DeVoTee

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  1. If I had info, knowledge or experience with the BFD system, I would be happy to provide it. I have no agenda or slant that I'm trying to provide or stir. I do own two Blademaster portables and a Blackstone X-02. With two competing systems...... I was just looking for some honest feedback.
  2. I'm surprised....... No serious discussion of FBV vs BFD!!!! to date seems one sided.
  3. The two issues that you are probably having are: Thickness in steel between different brands or the other issue is probably mis-mounted holders "tweaked". I check & adjust my holder for each skate. Good Luck!!
  4. I bought one... not having very good luck with it yet ...shipping damage.
  5. Thanks.... looking forwarding to hearing the results of their testing on the different FBV's.
  6. I can't comment on the experimentation of FBV on Goalie skates, but changing the spiner and re-dressing the wheel is a snap. Under a minute.... I haven't used the new Blackstone, but I do some other skate work for a USHL team and the trainer has a Blackstone portable spinner. He loves it! How does the edge hold up on a FBV grind. Most understand a 3/8 edge has thinner side walls than a 1/2, 5/8, etc and isn't as durable because the thickness of the sidewall. Does this effect the FBV as well?
  7. SAK "Mr. Blackstone" do you take trades??? I have two BM portables BRC 2005 one in a case and the other in a shroud.
  8. I ask the question of availability of 2.1 steel several weeks ago via email.... No answer! That would be great if you let us know what you find out.
  9. The profile of Step steel does not drop off at heel center like LS1. Those of you that have skated in Step did you notice the diff and how is the overall profile of stock Step blades compared to LS1? Thanks
  10. The diff between Step Steel and Step Velocity is the highly polished sides. The Rockwell rating and composition are identical. The sides look like they are plated in chrome. If you use Velocity be careful on who sharpens/hones the the sides of your blades.
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