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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by TPRO

  1. Couple years back I wasn't so thrilled with IW. I ordered a then M11 in custom colors. I forget the promo but it was something to do with a freight allowed order. Well since I added some other odds and ends that shipped from IW and the helmet shipped direct they billed me the freight on the odds and ends making it not such a good deal. They ultimately made it right after a handful of emails and phone calls.
  2. Scored 2 Z-Leader visor kits at the local play it again NIB. $15 each. I've been wanting to try this set up for a year or two now and stubbled upon it. Stumbled upon 2 Z-Leader visor kits @ $15 each at Play It Again. I've been looking to try this for a year or two now and they had them new in box.
  3. Anyone else using a small carpenters square? I've been home sharpening for the past year. I started using a bar magnet and eyeing it for square which worked reasonably well. About 6 months ago, I found a small 4" metal square at a home center for a couple bucks and have had good results. I lay the body of the square on the side of the skate blade and have the blade of the square rest on the edges. If they line up, I have a winner. Check in a couple spots along the blade and can even flip and check from the other side of the skate blade. Seperate but related edge question. How often do you have a bent blade when shapening? Seems like every sharpening, my squirt kid's are bent. Both skates are bent toed in. As if from playing the puck on with the inside of his skate, which he does, but he is not blocking hard shots. I use the straighener and get them back in line blade and they sharpen up nice and true. Occasionally, they will not be distorted. On my skates they seem to stay straighter. I talked to a buddy at the LHS and he said he has never had to straighten a blade and normally does not bother checking for straightness. My son's skates are size 4 CCM 452 which has the solid blades. Mine are RBK 8K which has the perforations size 8.5. Thanks for your thoughts.
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